hey Lord... let's talk abt the recent pbl. i didnt go for the lecture style pbl... only to be handed so much work to do. it doesnt help tt andrew only wants to take 1 out of the 6 points. n he thinks that's a lot n it's super fair. who asked me to ask him to choose in the first place??? n who asked me to agree?
well, i just think tt if i didnt, i would be in the wrong... or selfish. but i suppose pple these days are thick skinned... n would do whatever it takes to benefit themselves.
Father, teach me how to handle these situations better... please grant me ur wisdom. i hate being mean... but it upsets me when pple are like tt. so how now brown cow?
well, the other day something triggered my memory of the past. it stung. you know.. so please help me close this whole issue? somehow? it's been like tt for a long while. either things change or let's just forget it. i need to know which is it!
wells, let's see. beauty comes from a quiet n gentle spirit. not outward adornment or jewelry. i want tt spirit Lord. i want to be a living testimony of Your love n grace. please shine thru me.. so pple ard can feel ur presence n know that yes! you are the one n only true God. You rock Lord!!!
haha... pastor b set up a ttb shrine. i thot that was rather touching... haha =) thanks Lord for how you've used him to touch the lives of some many pple... esp the youths in our church. we sure miss him.
wells, i studied today for abt 4 hours... but it was so measely.. the number of pages i covered. i guess anat's like that. thing is, i dont know what is impt n what isnt. there's just too many details! but that is how you created us Lord. we were so specially n carefully crafted tt every part of our human body is enough to cry out "how great is my Lord!" dont need to 7 wonders of the world to do just that... taking a look at myself is enough.
i pray tt i will forever be grateful to you n the many things you've done for me. may i never ever take any of these forgranted... cos i dont even deserve any of this in the first place.
Lord, thank you for choosing me. for reaching out to me. n for giving me all you've given me. for making me who i am. let me live my life in such a way tt every word i say.. everything i do... iit's bring glory n honor to you alone.
help me remember this...
I live for an audience of ONE. that's You Lord.
speak to me as i read exodus now... continuing from how you led the israelites out of egypt.
nite Lord. hold the weather for me to swim n study hard tmr =)
i want to love you... with all i am.
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